Our Advocacy Efforts

The Maine Wilderness Guides Organization (MWGO) is committed to protecting the habitat in which we guide for our profession, our clients, for future generation, and for the wildlife and wilderness we love. Simply put, good wildlife habitat is good for guiding. The Maine Wilderness Guides Organization (MWGO) elevates the voices of guides and their allies to support sustainable management of the resources on which we depend.

MWGO actively advocates for the sustainable management of natural resources essential to our industry. Annually, we identify key legislative, administrative, and policy issues that influence the health of our lands, waters, and wildlife. Our advocacy efforts are aimed at preserving these critical resources.

Our focus areas include:

  • Sustaining healthy fisheries and wildlife populations.
  • Ensuring rivers remain free-flowing.
  • Protecting quiet backcountry areas for recreation.
  • Enhancing guide training and licensing programs.
  • Upholding the traditions and business practices of guiding.
  • Maintaining access to both public and private lands for guides.

We collaborate with the Maine State Legislature, the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, the Department of Marine Resources, the Land Use Planning Commission, and other relevant agencies on issues pivotal to the Maine guiding community. For more details on our advocacy efforts and current legislative priorities, please visit our Legislative Priorities page.