Maine Canoe Symposium a Success

On June 12th, MWGO sponsored the 36th annual Maine Canoe Symposium, held for the second year at the University of Maine’s 4-H Camp and Learning Center at Bryant Pond. The event was well attended with roughly half of attendees being MCS veterans and the other half were first-timers.

A total of about 80 enthusiastic canoeists enjoyed the day developing paddling, poling, and other hands on canoeing skills and explored related topics such as predicting weather, plein air watercolor painting, paddle carving, yoga, and sourcing detailed maps for the many less ventured canoe routes of Maine.  

Many parents took advantage of the kids program to take a canoeing workshop while the kids learned about the parts of a canoe, did yoga, paddled MaCKRO supplied kid’s race canoes, and splashed and played in the lake.

The all-volunteer steering committee behind the Maine Canoe Symposium would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation for the support provided by MWGO that helps us continue to provide this event and to bring in new and exciting offerings each year.

Story by: Chris Corey, President of the Maine Canoe Symposium 

Photos by: John Meader
